Sunday, January 15, 2012


Well 2012 started off with a bang. I however was asleep, I'd had such an exhausting day at work the day before that I couldn't even keep my eye's open to ring in the new year. But for the first time in my life I was ok with that. No one special to ring it in with, and wasn't going to be kissing a random guy just so I could have that midnight kiss.
First week of 2012 started out ok. I didn't start any goals that week and it was my own fault, I was being lazy. But as of January 8th it was on like Donkey Kong. I've been able to stay on track and I'm so proud of myself. Kept on a regular workout schedule (5 times last week), kept a healthy diet as well.

I've been able to work on several of my other goals this week as well. Starting to get massage on a regular basis. I'll be trading with Tammy, a friend and fellow Massage Therapist. I've also been able to figure out what college game I want to attend and tailgate at hopefully. It will be the Florida Gators vs. South Carolina Gamecocks in Gainsville Florida on October 20th. One more goal that was recently added to my list was to attend a pro football game (which I've never been to either) I'm not sure of the date let but I will be attending the Denver Broncos', Carolina Panthers game next Season in Charlotte North Carolina. I can't wait!!

I've been fasting for God and with the Church as well. Some days have been easier than others. I gave up sweets for our 21 day fast. Not as easy as it sounds. One night I even dreamt about pie...I don't even like pie!(It was apple, lol) But on a good note, I've been studying the bible every single day, it's drawing me closer to God.

I've felt so drawn over the last 6 months to go on a mission trip, but didn't know where to start or where to go. Well, last Thursday night we had our "Satellite Service" for theWell and during part of the sermon Ernest was talking about "Being the Church" and in that he mentioned going on missions. There were three possible chances to go with theWell this year and it was in that moment God placed in my heart where I'll be serving my first ever mission's trip. It will be in Washington DC, our own capital. I'm so excited that he's calling me to go there, because if we can serve at the core of our country, in the capital city then hopefully that will bring change within our own countries walls. Maybe one day God will call me to serve somewhere outside of our borders, but until then I'll gladly serve in his name in our own country!

I'm so excited to continue along the godly, healthy path I've started on. Can't wait to see how many of my 2012 goals actually become accomplished. Stay tuned to find out!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Awakening 21 Day Fast

It's been on my mind, with the 21 day fast starting today, of things that I could take away from my life to be more close to God. First it was sugar, then it was sweets in general, this morning was kind of a slap in the face with being more conscious of my spending. Then it hit me, I just need to live more simply in my life in general.

I've put these "things" ahead of God. So my challange for myself over the next 21 days is to live a more simple life. Only spend what I need to (fuel for my car, food for nutrition). Eating to live and not the other way around. Getting back into a more consistant work out routine. I'm sure the first few days are going to be hard, but as with any routine/habit they are all hard to maintain in the begining. But the whole point of this fast and the "live more simply" aspect of life is to grow closer to God.

So I'm going to spend as much time as possible, reading, praying and learning about him and growing in my relationship with Him. I'm also going to be working on tracking what I eat, read, and pray about every day. Plus my feelings and emotions towards the whole experience. I'm expecting that God will show up during this time and give me the strength I need and the guidence I'm looking for. He's already done so much in my life especially in the last year.

It was one year ago today that I started the next chapter in my life in Charelston South Carolina. I can't wait to see what God has for my in store not only for the next 21 days, or year. But for the rest of my life. I feel so blessed.

Happy fasting!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Goals

So it was brought to my attention by my friend Nikki that resolutions for a new year almost never get followed through with. So for 2012 I'm resolving to not have any resolutions, just kidding!!!

No actually I've come up with a list of things I'd like to do an accomplish in 2012. So I wanted to share them with you. Some of them I'm already working on obtaining. Others I won't be able to work on until later in the year. We should always work on improving ourselves though so It's not a big deal. :o)
  • Pursue God more
  • Pray daily
  • Read Bible everyday
  • Lose last 30-40 lbs
  • Get sugar cravings under control
  • Eat more fish
  • Workout 5 day a week
  • Polar Bear Plunge (Jan 1st 2013) This one sort of doesn't count.
  • Run 6 5k's
  • Do a half marathon
  • Get two massages a month
  • Read 12 books
  • Go on a mission trip
  • Get a tan
  • Travel outside the country
  • Go back to school
  • Work on having a more positive outlook on Colorado
  • Massage become my primary income again.
  • Massage Parties blow up
  • Try Blast 900
  • Be single until 11/9/2012
  • Tailgate at a college football game (Hopefully a Gator Game)
  • Attend my first college football game (hopefully a Gator game)
  • Serve in the community with my small group
  • Go to as many concerts as possible
So yes I've got a lot to accomplish in 2012, but I think that God is going to provide me with the skills, money, opportunity to do them all. But I best get busy because there are only 360 days left in the year. Guess it's going to be an after thought sort of goal as well to update you every now and then to let you know about my progress. Hope you all have a blessed new year!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Time for Change

Well with the 2011 year ending and the 2012 beginning, it's bringing about a lot of change. First off I'm another year older and so that means I'm a little more wise correct? One would hope so! Well I spent a good majority of December celebrating, mostly my birthday :o) But it more so had to do with spending time with good friends. Several Christmas celebrations. Some with family, and some with friends, some in Charleston and some in Denver. Celebrated my birthday in three different cities :o) Charleston, Charlotte, and Denver. So I think I can say I spent a good Majority of time traveling as well.

Started off December with a weekend trip to Charlotte with my friend Tammy and her two kids. While we were there we got to visit the Southpark Mall (pretty fancy) The Nascar Hall of Fame(Really cool so see the history), and IKEA(holy CRAP). We were able to stay with Tammy's In Laws in their beautiful home. Made the trip all that more enjoyable because they were so much fun to be around and have two little girls as well. Tammy, her sister in law Nan and I spent and evening out on the town, after having AMAZING Sushi (yes I've acquired a taste) with the rest of the family. Visited a few pretty cool bars. I found a lot of new favorites that weekend, because I now can say I enjoy a good martini. My favorite that night was Tammy's Pineapple Upside Down Martini.

Celebrated the start of my 27th year of life with several women that I'm so blessed to call my friends. We went to sushi. I found the most amazing drink called Basil Berry Lemonade at O-ku restaurant. Had more awesome sushi rolls, I think I'm falling in love!! After the celebration a few of us decided to hang out at a local bar. Didn't have too late of a night though since it was a Friday and most of us had been working that day.

I did spend just a tiny bit of time this month working. Also spent a considerable amount of time traveling, spent a week and a half in Denver for the Holiday's. It was certainly good to see lots of people from back home.

I headed back to Colorado during the middle of the month for the holiday season. Got to spend lots of time with family which is always nice, a little stressful at times, but well worth it. Went out to my grandparents farm the weekend I got into Denver, got to spend some time with them before the hustle and bustle of the Holidays so that was very nice. Spend some time with the 'rents and also got to spend the week with my youngest brother because he got to go home on leave for the holidays. Although he did sleep most of the time, but he wasn't feeling to hot so it was understandable.

Got to see so many people while I was home, some of my most favorite though, was when I hung out with my friend Sara, she's 5 months pregnant and it's the most amazing thing to see her tummy growing and to know that there is a little baby in there. It was also the only time I'll get to see her pregnant with this little one so I soaked up as much time with her as I could. Next time I'll see her she'll have a little munchkin in tow.

Also got to see the bestie for a few short hours while I was home as well. She flew into Denver on the 23rd and I flew back to Charleston on the 26th so we didn't have too much time. But the Friday that she got in we went to dinner at this cute little place in the Highlands called Patsy's. Had a couple guys tagging along on our "girl time" but it was completely ok, because I think the four of us had a blast. After dinner Rick and I headed to Red Square downtown to grab some drinks and wait for Deanna and John. They dropped Deanna's stuff off since they had just come from the airport. The Red Square is known for their quirky Russian vodka shots like dill pickle, black pepper and various others that are supposed to take exactly like their names. Well between the four of us we didn't get toooo adventurous, We tried a pineapple, orange, and honey shots. Some were better than others :o) Didn't stay too long though ended the evening on a high note.

It may have bee super cold outside (I'm southern now, not used to the cold) but we were having tons of fun at Scruffy Murphy. Tried my first ever Chocolate cake shot, because everyone said that it was amazing and a true birthday shot, wasn't really a fan! The Scooby Snack shot that Deanna suggested was WAY better, lol, sorry guys!! Had a few more drinks and ended the evening with great conversation and a new friend :o)

Christmas seems like it came and went way too fast. Visited a new church in Denver for Christmas Eve Services, just in case I ever decide to go back. It was very interesting but pretty awesome at the same time. Reminded me of Seacoast, but no one can ever replace my current pastor Greg since he's A) from Colorado, B) A Bronco fan, and C) oh because pretty much everything he preaches hits me like a ton of bricks!

As my trip to Colorado was coming to a close, got to spend some time with my Dad, Mom and best friend for the holidays. What more could a girl ask for? Nothing, it was awesome because I got to spend time with all those I care about. I was kind of sad to be coming back to Charleston, but once I got back to Charleston and the temps jumped a whole 50 degree's I was ok with it, not to mention I was coming back to some great people as well. The month and year ended on a high note. I've got a lot of goals for the 2012 year (those will be in the next blog) I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

All I can say is God has blessed me so much with the people in my life, where I am mentally, physically, geographically, etc. He's blessed me in every aspect of my life. This however doesn't mean that things are easy, I've actually had a quite difficult last few months but I know God's got a purpose for it all and he's in control so I'm letting him take the reins and I'm going to sit back and see where he takes me :o)