Saturday, December 28, 2013

When God speaks, I'm learning to listen

It's amazing how when you really take the time to listen to the promptings from God what can happen. On my way home from lunch with a friend yesterday I stopped at Walgreens to check out redbox. As I was finishing up an older women approached and I figured she was next to check out the movies. I was wrong. She proceeded to ask me for some money so she might be able to get a ride to her home which was about a mile and a half away. She was disabled and it was too far to walk. Normally I would just say I didn't have any money (which I normally do, which I'm not proud of admitting) but instead I felt God telling me to do one better and give her a ride home myself. So I offered her that instead. She was completely surprised and on the way to her home she told me about how mean people can tend to be in situations like that. But she is very humble and said she can understand why. She was in no shape to be walking due to a bum knee because of a work injury she sustained several years back. I found out she used to work for the pentagon. This lady was so sweet and I'm really glad she picked me to ask for a little help.

Now Miss Mary only lives about a half mile from me and I really hope that I run into her again one day. Just because someone looks a little "rough" to what our standards are gives us no right to judge them I realized it was an opportunity to get to know someone new, learn a little about their story and what God has been doing in their lives. Over the last couple weeks I've had an idea floating around in my head, Seacoast is in the works of building a Dream Center very close to my own neighborhood. It will eventually be in the Ardmore area which is just behind my office and I've felt a prompting to look more and more into that. As the week has progressed I feel as though I've given more and more affirmation that is what I'm supposed to be working towards. I'm hoping I can incorporate it into my internship but if not I'll figure out a way.

 I've been praying lately for God to break my heart for what breaks his and to show me where he wants me and I do feel like he wants me to take care of His sheep in my own neighborhood. Now I love where I'm currently serving and attending church but I feel like I could make much more of an impact in my own community. I'm going to keep praying and looking for promptings from God and hopefully slowly but surely move towards this new goal I have.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


So this last year I decided was going to be a very pivotal year in my life. Man has it been, it more ways than one. Good things and bad have all rounded out my twenty eighth year of life. I've made several changes and committed to things I never thought I could. This last year has sure been an adventure.

  • Moved into my own place
  • Became a business owner
  • Traveled out of the country for the first time
  • Went on my first international mission trip
  • Became an intern at Seacoast
  • Attended my 10 year high school reunion
  • Lived, laughed, loved
  • Cried, hurt, mourned
  • Realized that I'm stronger and more determined than I ever thought possible. 
I've decided that this next year, my twenty ninth year, is going to be a defining one. I'm not quite sure what that looks like yet but I do know that I want it to count, I want it to matter. I want to focus on my faith, my health, and my business this year. I have one goal in mind, becoming the woman whom God wants me to be. I know this means there's no finish line, no prize for first place, and no score being kept because this isn't a game, this is real life. I want to be the best me I can be! I want to be able to look back on this next year in my life and be able to tell my future husband and children (God willing) that it was the year that turned me into the woman they see before them. 
As the year goes on I'm going to try my hardest to blog about updates with: Faith, Health, Business. (maybe about family, friendships, relationship as well) This my friends is what is going to define:


Monday, October 7, 2013

A Year to Remember

More often then not people blog about things they've come across recently that have made them stop and think. This isn't going to be another one of those. I've more been contemplating what I want my 29th year of life, the last year in my 20's, to look like. I've come to realized that even though there have been times in my life that I've struggled with one thing or another I've learned lessons from everything I've been through and it's made me the strong woman that I am today. With that being said, life isn't about being perfect because God knows I'm far from that but I try my very best to live in a way that honors God, myself and those around me. 

Twenty nine is going to be a pivotal year for me. I want to make a difference. I want to be the best I can be and I want to never forget how I got where I am in the process of going. 

The definition of pivotal is: of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.

I want to this next year of my life to determine the rest of my life. I'm not sure what God has in store for me through this year but I'm open to whatever he's got to show me. That being said I do have some personal goals I'd like to accomplish before December 7th 2014 ( The day I am no long in my 20's)

1) Do a half Marathon ( Scheduled for Jan 18th in CHS)

2) Polar Bear Plunge (Jan 1st 2014)
3) Go Sky Diving
4) Read through the entire bible
5) Co-lead a mission trip (Working on starting that process for Nicaragua in May 2014)
6) Know what is feels like to comfortably fit in a size 8
7) Get theWell (The college ministry that I'm interning for until May) involved in local outreach
8) Become a certified DULA
9) Be a successful leader/mentor to someone
10) Financially be able to bless others.

I think ten personal goals is a great place to start, I'm sure I'll be adding many more as the next 14 months go by. 

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Here's to a great new year!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Looking Back...365

I've come a very long way in the last year.

November of last year I experienced one of the most painful breakups ever. Looking back though I know it was what I needed. Not only did God remove me from a potentially bad situation, but he used it to glorify himself. The details of what happen are not important but the lessons I learned from the situation are. I was way too dependent on my relationships with others hoping they would make me happy, that I didn't know how to be happy with myself and my relationship with God. Looking back I didn't think I'd ever be able to be alone and be happy.

Well after the relationship ended I vowed to God and myself to spend the next 365 days intentionally being single and focusing on my relationship with Him. I got this idea from Pastor Andy Stanley's "Love, Sex, and Dating" series where he challenged the men to take one year and focus on themselves and truly dive into their relationship with God. I decided that it actually was something I needed to do for myself as well.  Quite honestly this was not the easiest thing to do, but I know it was for the best decision for me. I made this commitment out of hurt and frustration but as time went on I realized that God had set this whole thing in motion so I would take my eye's off the "idols" in my life and place them towards Him.

The first couple months were easy because I was so hurt and mad from the lies and deceit of the relationship that I didn't want anything to do with dating. But as time went on I felt myself become lonely again, wanting companionship.This time however instead of reaching for a guy to fill that void, I began to reach for God. I wasn't going to repeat the mistakes of my past. This time was going to be different. I had a goal in mind and I don't like to fail, so I kept in mind the promise I'd made to myself and to God. I started to find more things to keep me busy and not so lonely. Some of which included more time at church, in bible study and in God's word.  Being in Godly settings almost every day of the week is what I felt I needed.

After a while those setting's became very normal to me. I actually began to want more time with my God.  Over the months I became less focused on potential relationships with guys and more on my relationship with God. Throughout the year there have been a couple road blocks, I began to think and try to justify reasons: that maybe God didn't tell me to stay single, maybe he was just wanting me to not date the guys I was dating. I was making excuses to have it my way. But every time God said "Nope, I want you single." I eventually learned over time that my relationship with God was becoming more and more important to me, and what a guy thought of me was becoming less important.

This last year has also made me realize more and more the type of person I want to be and whom I'm working on becoming. I've learned a lot about the things I want in not just a dating relationship but in any of the relationships in my life. I've come to the conclusion that I will no longer date just to date, but I will date with a purpose. By this I mean being intentional about how I date. If I don't see a future with someone then there's no reason to keep hanging out due to loneliness or boredom. However I'm not saying I plan on getting married next month or anything. That all falls under Gods timing, which we know even though sometimes it may drive us nut, is ALWAYS perfect.

I've now officially been single for 365 days. I really don't know what God has in store for me next. I'm not sure if it's more day's of singleness or if that special godly man is right around the corner. But what I do know is this: No matter who that man may be, my relationship with God is the most important relationship in my life and that's never going to change. I also know that I'm completely loving my independence, it's something I've never truly experienced before. So when the time is right, I'll be ready and able to be the Godly woman in a the relationship that He wants me to be in.

I don't know what's got in store for my for the new year of my life. But I can't wait to go deeper into my relationship with Him and find out. I know that this last year has really opened my eyes. My career is flourishing, the relationship's I've built in my life are wonderful and the people who I call brothers and sisters in Christ are a huge part of that. God is the main reason I'm able to stand here today and know that I will be happy, regardless of the situations placed in my life. I can only hope that one day He blesses me with a Godly man to "do life with" so to speak. But until that day comes I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Well I've discovered recently why I've been trying to do everything under the sun to "please God"

I've been searching for his approval. In figuring that out it's made me realize that I've been searching for approval my whole life, from my parents, to my friends, ex boyfriends, and everyone in between. Now some of those are still relevant in my life but the biggest thing that has been added is God's approval. The thing I've still been trying to figure out is why I'm trying to win so much approval. I'm still not sure of the answer but I do know that when I don't get the approval that I'm looking for I tend to get very upset/hurt/discouraged.

There are lots of different reason's we seek others approval but the one thing I've run across researching the idea is: We seek approval because of low self esteem. Well I could definitely say that in my past I had very low self esteem. I was always the fat girl growing up, so I didn't have a lot of friends. Therefore I didn't participate in many activities that involved me being social. Most of the time I would stay home, hang out with the few select friends that I had, and interact quietly with them or by myself. All the while hoping that someone would acknowledge me. Someone would take time out of their busy life just to tell me they were thinking about me.Eventually as I grew up that changed just a little, although no one wanted to date the fat girl I did have more friends. I became somewhat more social, but looking back it's because I was tagging along with my friends in their social lives.

 As I've gotten passed those weird teenage years and have grown into my own person, I've become more secure in who I'm becoming. The downfall with all of that is once I started to get the attention from guys I began to crave it more and more. When one wouldn't show me the attention I desired I'd move onto the next. This was a continuous pattern for a couple years.  I thought though that I'd been able to work through all that and be happy with the person that I am today. But I guess that really isn't the case. If it were, I wouldn't care what others thought and I wouldn't seek out there approval. Granted the places I'm seeking approval have dramatically changed but I guess it's a lack of self esteem none the less.

Yesterday as I sat in Small Group with some of my greatest girl friends I didn't want to speak because I didn't want to be judged. I've been struggling for several months now with not feeling as though I've been good enough. Because of this I've over extended myself to where I barely rest. Which is not good. A few weeks ago I took a glance at my week and Realized there isn't really one day to where I'm 100% devoted to making time for myself, to recharge and re energize. Sunday's I'm either at church or participating in a young professionals ministry. Monday's I've got Chiropractic/Massage work and Small group. Tuesday is Chiropractic/Massage work, up until last week I was also training for the Cooper River bridge run with some friends as well. Wednesday's have been Chiropractic/Massage work and Small Group. Thursday's have been Chiropractic/Massage work and theWell/Church. Friday's have been Chiropractic/Massage work. Saturday's have been filled with Massage work and Church on top of other various things like laundry, cleaning, and grocery shopping.

So instead of enjoying the things that I do, I'm stressing because I've got WAYYYY too much on my plate. The only thing that sucks is I do enjoy everything. But I also know that if I don't cut some things out of my routine and add more time in for me, then I'm going to begin to hate them all. So what's next? What things do I cut out? I want to be happy and joyous about the things in my life instead of stressed and feeling like I'm failing. Which is in turn causing me too feel farther away from God. I'm not sure where I'm headed next but I do know that I've got a LOT of re prioritizing to do.

Oh and something was said to me last night that kinda was a slap in the face, but it's what I needed. In talking about being vulnerable and looking for others approval my friend Carlee mentioned that we're supposed to strive for holiness because that means we're becoming more like God. We shouldn't strive for perfection because we'll never be perfect.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Naive: Showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment: "the rather naive young woman had been totally misled".

WOW. I think that says it all...

You'd think I'd learn after repeating the same mistakes over and over again, that something needs to change. I need to change!!

How can I be so naive to believe what he says is true? It's never been true in the past, so why is this one any different?

I fall into this same pattern time and time again.. Guy shows interest in girl, girl shows interest in guy, guy shows even more interest in girl, so now he knows she's (I'm) completely hooked. By which time it's too late, her guard has been let down, way sooner than is should be because this time he's the one that's different, he's the one that is going to break the mold. But alas he's no different because he still finds a way to manipulate the situation, still finds a way to manipulate her. At first all the things that go wrong seem to be bad timing, but then over a period of time even though it doesn't get worse it still never gets better. " But that's ok, because he's different. He's really showed me he cares."

I still don't know what the reality/facts of the whole situation are and quite honestly I don't care. But I'm hurt. I can't believe I allowed myself to believe him. He may or may not have been lying. I don't know. But I do know he pulled at my heart strings, he knew all the right things to say. Even now, I'm sure if he called I would probably answer. I know he's not good for me, but that doesn't make the feeling go away. Once again, he'd probably say something came up, that he was sorry and that he misses me. I'd tell him I miss him too. That doesn't make the feelings go away.

I know people ask why do I let him get to me this way. I don't have an answer, but at the same time I don't want a lecture. When in reality I've felt lost and alone for a while now. I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want to be judged. I know I deserve better but that doesn't make the pain any less or the hurt go away. I feel lost and alone, I know what the answer is but it's not what I want to hear. I know it's to lean on God. I'm not strong enough, I haven't been for a while. I just put on a good front and pretend to be who people expect me to be. Inside I'm fighting this battle, I know I'm losing but I don't see another way. I'm gradually becoming overwhelmed with things that didn't use to be that way. I'm withdrawing from the good things in my life. I'm going to church and participating in activities because I feel like that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not doing them with joy like I once was. I feel as though I'm becoming too involved and it's crushing me. I want to just sleep my day's away. I don't want to be bothered, and I want time to myself.

I know I need Jesus in my life, and I've been reading the bible and several other christian based books on a daily basis. Again, not because I want to, but out of a sense of obligation. I can tell you about the stories but I don't feel as though I'm getting anything from them. I haven't felt the presence of God in my life for a while now. I feel myself slipping farther away from the strong Christian women that I once was.  I'm drowning and part of me wants to let go. I don't understand how Satan can have such a strong hold over me.

I want to feel God in my life again, but I don't know how. I pray every day and night. But it's not enough, I feel as though I need some sort of divine intervention or a miracle.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Two are better than one...and three is even better than that!

What a crazy thing we call life.

I've been struggling a lot lately with where I fit in and what I'm supposed to be doing with my life and this was until very recently, even up until the last day or so that I felt this way.

I've been so worried about how I'm going to pay my bills and where I'm going to find clients that my focus has disappeared from the things that are supposed to be good for me. With my stress level on overload this has caused me to lack eating healthy and  my working out as been affected and it's all taken my focus away from the bigger picture. Just living in peace because I'm exactly where God wants me. I know however that I can't just sit back and wait for Him to make things happen, I have to take an active role in my life. But I have to do so with a light heart and a happy soul.

Tonight my pastor talked about living a BLESS filled life and how to go about doing so living by the "Law's of Christ" It really hit home because he started off by talking about NFL Player Emmit Smith and how in his first game ever in the NFL he only got a total of TWO yards. But by the end of his Career he had beat the all time record for yardage which was somewhere over 16,000. But it all took time. That's the thing that I need tom remind myself on a daily basis. It's all about God's timing not my own. I can only do what I can do and the rest is up to Him. But in the mean time I need to Learn to do good, keep doing good, and not quit even when times get tough. I can honestly say I've wanted to throw in the towel several times lately but I know that it's not worth it. Where will it get me but even more lost and frustrated. So I take comfort in knowing that I'm exactly where God wants me right now, in every aspect of my life, work, money, singleness. It's all going to be ok. Pastor Greg also challenged everyone to make sure we have 2-3 people in our circle of influence to hold each other accountable. If we have that accountability we are less likely to quit. They are our own personal cheerleaders.  So I've already asked one person to be that accountability for me, and I'm waiting for that prompting on whom else to ask. But in the mean time I'm going to start getting things in order myself.
- meal planning to eat healthier
- gym planning to get more active again
- not stressing out so much because I'm in slow season for massage
- knowing that financially I will be ok, God will always provide.

 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19