Saturday, December 28, 2013

When God speaks, I'm learning to listen

It's amazing how when you really take the time to listen to the promptings from God what can happen. On my way home from lunch with a friend yesterday I stopped at Walgreens to check out redbox. As I was finishing up an older women approached and I figured she was next to check out the movies. I was wrong. She proceeded to ask me for some money so she might be able to get a ride to her home which was about a mile and a half away. She was disabled and it was too far to walk. Normally I would just say I didn't have any money (which I normally do, which I'm not proud of admitting) but instead I felt God telling me to do one better and give her a ride home myself. So I offered her that instead. She was completely surprised and on the way to her home she told me about how mean people can tend to be in situations like that. But she is very humble and said she can understand why. She was in no shape to be walking due to a bum knee because of a work injury she sustained several years back. I found out she used to work for the pentagon. This lady was so sweet and I'm really glad she picked me to ask for a little help.

Now Miss Mary only lives about a half mile from me and I really hope that I run into her again one day. Just because someone looks a little "rough" to what our standards are gives us no right to judge them I realized it was an opportunity to get to know someone new, learn a little about their story and what God has been doing in their lives. Over the last couple weeks I've had an idea floating around in my head, Seacoast is in the works of building a Dream Center very close to my own neighborhood. It will eventually be in the Ardmore area which is just behind my office and I've felt a prompting to look more and more into that. As the week has progressed I feel as though I've given more and more affirmation that is what I'm supposed to be working towards. I'm hoping I can incorporate it into my internship but if not I'll figure out a way.

 I've been praying lately for God to break my heart for what breaks his and to show me where he wants me and I do feel like he wants me to take care of His sheep in my own neighborhood. Now I love where I'm currently serving and attending church but I feel like I could make much more of an impact in my own community. I'm going to keep praying and looking for promptings from God and hopefully slowly but surely move towards this new goal I have.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


So this last year I decided was going to be a very pivotal year in my life. Man has it been, it more ways than one. Good things and bad have all rounded out my twenty eighth year of life. I've made several changes and committed to things I never thought I could. This last year has sure been an adventure.

  • Moved into my own place
  • Became a business owner
  • Traveled out of the country for the first time
  • Went on my first international mission trip
  • Became an intern at Seacoast
  • Attended my 10 year high school reunion
  • Lived, laughed, loved
  • Cried, hurt, mourned
  • Realized that I'm stronger and more determined than I ever thought possible. 
I've decided that this next year, my twenty ninth year, is going to be a defining one. I'm not quite sure what that looks like yet but I do know that I want it to count, I want it to matter. I want to focus on my faith, my health, and my business this year. I have one goal in mind, becoming the woman whom God wants me to be. I know this means there's no finish line, no prize for first place, and no score being kept because this isn't a game, this is real life. I want to be the best me I can be! I want to be able to look back on this next year in my life and be able to tell my future husband and children (God willing) that it was the year that turned me into the woman they see before them. 
As the year goes on I'm going to try my hardest to blog about updates with: Faith, Health, Business. (maybe about family, friendships, relationship as well) This my friends is what is going to define:
