What a crazy thing we call life.
I've been struggling a lot lately with where I fit in and what I'm supposed to be doing with my life and this was until very recently, even up until the last day or so that I felt this way.
I've been so worried about how I'm going to pay my bills and where I'm going to find clients that my focus has disappeared from the things that are supposed to be good for me. With my stress level on overload this has caused me to lack eating healthy and my working out as been affected and it's all taken my focus away from the bigger picture. Just living in peace because I'm exactly where God wants me. I know however that I can't just sit back and wait for Him to make things happen, I have to take an active role in my life. But I have to do so with a light heart and a happy soul.
Tonight my pastor talked about living a BLESS filled life and how to go about doing so living by the "Law's of Christ" It really hit home because he started off by talking about NFL Player Emmit Smith and how in his first game ever in the NFL he only got a total of TWO yards. But by the end of his Career he had beat the all time record for yardage which was somewhere over 16,000. But it all took time. That's the thing that I need tom remind myself on a daily basis. It's all about God's timing not my own. I can only do what I can do and the rest is up to Him. But in the mean time I need to Learn to do good, keep doing good, and not quit even when times get tough. I can honestly say I've wanted to throw in the towel several times lately but I know that it's not worth it. Where will it get me but even more lost and frustrated. So I take comfort in knowing that I'm exactly where God wants me right now, in every aspect of my life, work, money, singleness. It's all going to be ok. Pastor Greg also challenged everyone to make sure we have 2-3 people in our circle of influence to hold each other accountable. If we have that accountability we are less likely to quit. They are our own personal cheerleaders. So I've already asked one person to be that accountability for me, and I'm waiting for that prompting on whom else to ask. But in the mean time I'm going to start getting things in order myself.
- meal planning to eat healthier
- gym planning to get more active again
- not stressing out so much because I'm in slow season for massage
- knowing that financially I will be ok, God will always provide.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
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